Denied Social Security Disability? Hire A Social Security Lawyer To Help You
If you are not able to work due to an illness or injury and your Social Security disability claim was denied, this can be frustrating. To help you, you should hire a Social Security lawyer. This professional can aid you in getting approved for your Social Security so you can concentrate on your health.
Help You With Your Application
If you do not fill out the application that the Social Security company gives you correctly, you can delay your case, or your case may be denied. Because you have an illness and/or injury, this can make it even more difficult to think clearly.
To help you with this, the lawyer can help you go through the application to ensure it is filled out correctly. There may also be other information you need to provide the Social Security company. If so, the lawyer can ensure this information is included. You may not understand a lot of what is on the application. This is common as some of the application is hard for many people to understand.
Help you With Medical Evidence
One thing you must provide the Social Security company is proof that you have been injured or are ill. Your lawyer can help you know what medical information works best and help you gather it together.
You will first have to sign a document that releases your medical records. The attorney will then go through the records to make sure everything is there. For example, there may be test results that are missing that the lawyer will need to use as evidence for you.
If your illness or injury has been ongoing you likely have a lot of medical records. This would take you a lot of time to sort through. Your lawyer can work with your doctors, if needed, to get more information or get an explanation of things the lawyer may not understand.
File Appeals
If you are still denied Social Security, your lawyer can file an appeal to get you approved. In many cases, this will be all it takes. For example, during the appeal process, they may show your lawyer why your case was not approved. The lawyer will then take care of the situation, such as give them more medical information, your wage information, etc.
The appeal process can be difficult for someone that has no experience. There are also time limits on some things that you have to appeal.
Contact a Social Security lawyer to set up a consultation with them to go over your case.