How Well Do You Know Criminal Law?How Well Do You Know Criminal Law?

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How Well Do You Know Criminal Law?

Sure, you know what's illegal and what's not. You know how to avoid breaking the law. But do you know the technicalities that can get your case dismissed in court? Do you know what kind of evidence is allowed in your defense and what isn't? Do you know how to effectively cross-examine a witness? If the answer to these questions is no, then you shouldn't be considering defending yourself in court. When a criminal case gets to court, innocence doesn't matter as much as experience with criminal law does. You need an experienced lawyer to help you defend yourself. In this blog, I'll share experiences that can help you understand what is going to happen in court and how to assist in your own defense. But the most important piece of advice I can give you is this: don't go to court without a lawyer.

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How A Car Accident Lawyer Can Change Your Life For The Better

When you have found yourself dealing with injuries because you were in a car accident, you may be wondering when life will get back to normal. You may have extra expenses now, and you might even be unable to get back to work. If this accident was no fault of your own, you will want to take a little time to discover how a car accident lawyer can help turn things around for you. Here are some of those ways:

Helps You Get The Money To Cover Your Extra Expenses

Even if the car insurance company that represents the other party pays the book value of your vehicle, it may be hard to find another suitable vehicle for that price. Since you need to have a safe and reliable vehicle, your lawyer may be able to seek compensation from the guilty driver in order to make sure that you are able to get just that. Then there is the extra expense of the hospital bills, doctor bills, and any necessary prescription medication. If you needed crutches, leg braces, or even a wheelchair, that is another expense that you have to deal with. Even with quality medical insurance coverage, you are still likely to end up with a lot of debt from the co-payments and deductibles. Since the other driver caused the accident, it seems fair to have your lawyer seek compensation to cover all of your extra expenses that you have been saddled with.

Helps You Get Paid For Your Time Off Work

Whether you missed a day, a month, or you are still not sure when you will ever be able to return to work, you want to make sure that you are receiving compensation for those missed paychecks. Without a steady supply of paychecks, you could easily find yourself facing shut-off notices from utility companies, trouble getting enough food on the table, or even ending up in foreclosure. Your car accident lawyer will work hard to make sure that the person that caused the wreck is held accountable and covers your missed wages.

It is important to call and set up a consultation with a few different car accident lawyers. In many cases, the initial consultation is free or it is given for a low fee. Some lawyers may ask for a retainer to be paid upfront, but there are some that will only request their payment if you win your case. If you don't win, then you do not have to worry about owing them anything.

Form more information, contact legal experts like McMenamin & McMenamin, PS.