Three Types Of Injury Cases That Tend To Have Multiple Defendants
Injury cases with multiple defendants have some complications that don't plague cases with single defendants. For example, failure to name all defendants may limit your potential recovery. You should also expect the defendants to engage in blame-shifting in an attempt to reduce their share of the blame. Here are three examples of injury cases that tend to have multiple defendants:
Product Liability Case
A product liability case can arise when a product causes injury and it is proven that the product was defectively designed, manufactured or marketed. Any person through which the product passed through before reaching the consumer may be held liable for the injuries. In many cases, more than one person may be found liable for the damages.
For example, if a product causes you injury due to defective parts, both the supplier of the defective parts and the assembler or manufacturer who used the defective parts to make the end product may be liable for the damages. Therefore, if you suspect a product liability case, take your time to identify all liable parties before instigating a claim.
Injuries Caused By Employees
When an employee engaged in their normal duties cause you injury, don't assume that they are the only one who should pay for your damages. Depending on the circumstances of your injury, you may succeed in holding the employer responsible for some of your damages. This is possible under the legal principle of vicarious liability, which holds that when an agent acting on behalf of another party causes injury, the principal may share in the blame of the agent.
Medical Malpractice Case
A medical malpractice case arises when a medical provider's negligence causes an injury to a patient. These cases also tend to have multiple defendants because any party that is found to have been negligent will have to pay for their share of damages.
For example, a doctor who performs a surgery while drunk and ends up causing injuries may be guilty of medical malpractice. At the same time, the hospital (employer of the doctor) may also be guilty of the same charges if it is proven that it didn't have measures in place to prevent such occurrences. If a physician assistant who was assisting the surgeon also messed up somewhere along the way, they will have to pay for their share of the blame too.
Therefore, don't always assume that the person who has directly caused your injury is the only one liable for your damages. Analyze the circumstances of the accident to identify all the liable parties.