How Well Do You Know Criminal Law?How Well Do You Know Criminal Law?

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How Well Do You Know Criminal Law?

Sure, you know what's illegal and what's not. You know how to avoid breaking the law. But do you know the technicalities that can get your case dismissed in court? Do you know what kind of evidence is allowed in your defense and what isn't? Do you know how to effectively cross-examine a witness? If the answer to these questions is no, then you shouldn't be considering defending yourself in court. When a criminal case gets to court, innocence doesn't matter as much as experience with criminal law does. You need an experienced lawyer to help you defend yourself. In this blog, I'll share experiences that can help you understand what is going to happen in court and how to assist in your own defense. But the most important piece of advice I can give you is this: don't go to court without a lawyer.

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Peripheral Nerve Damage After A Car Accident? Here's What You Can Do

If a doctor diagnoses you with peripheral nerve damage after a severe car accident, you might wonder if you'll ever live a pain-free life again. Peripheral nerve damage pain can range from mild aches to intense, stabbing pain that doesn't ease up. Ongoing treatment can help you live a better life, but the medical expenses you incur from your treatment may be substantial. Here are things you can do to find help with your medical expenses.

File a Personal Injury Claim

If you haven't done already, consult with a personal injury attorney right away. Although your insurance company may pursue compensation for vehicle's damage, it may not pursue compensation for your injuries. Your current insurance coverage may only help you with the emergency care you received after your accident. Because peripheral nerve damage can be permanent, it's important to file a personal injury claim with an attorney.

An attorney will generally obtain records of your car accident before they file a claim. A personal injury lawyer needs to find out if the other driver was at fault for the incident. If the other driver is responsible, an attorney may go ahead and file a claim with the individual's insurance provider. 

A lawyer may also obtain records of the medical care you already received, including the treatment you received at the emergency room. In order to secure or obtain compensation, it's important to document the extent of your nerve damage, especially if it prevents you from working or living a functional lifestyle. In some cases, peripheral nerve damage can be so extensive that even surgery may fail to repair it.

While a personal injury attorney works on your behalf, you can do some things to help your claim.

Maintain Records of Your Treatments and Pain

Always keep your doctors' appointments, even if you don't feel well. If you fail to see your doctors, the other driver's insurer may assume that your injuries aren't as bad as you state. This may hurt your case.

Keep daily records of your pain and give them to your attorney during your consultations. For instance, if you experience pain every evening around dinner time, document it. Be sure to list the type of pain you experience, the location of the pain, and the time the pain develops.

If you have problems writing because of your nerve damage, have someone do it for you. However, be sure to ask the person helping you to sign and date the entry. It may prevent the other driver's insurer from accusing you of falsifying records. In addition, if an attorney needs to verify the entries in your records, they can contact the person if necessary.

Don't hesitate to call or consult with a personal injury attorney about your possible case today.